Hello this a great chance for in which there a enough tip in Mtn,Zain,Etizalat Browsing tip,what you just need to do is read this very well,and also your comment will improve me to give you the best out of all,so when you are visiting this site try and make a click there too
MTN, ZAIN, GLO networks provide internet services for their subscribers through the GPRS technology and in higher forms like EDGE, UMTS (3G), and HSDPA (3. 5G) which is of course the latest from MTN. but the problem is that cost they impose on the users is too much. And so, here we are providing you with a free internet service, since we can not fold our hands and watch these service providers control our pockets. So let us start immediately.
FREE INTERNET BROWSING ON COMPUTER.The free internet browsing on computer is achieved with the aid of some software specially designed for that purpose. Many of these software are proxy tunnelers such as freedom, proxyway, hopster, hummingbird, freegate, go-trusted, hide-proxy etc. which are capable of hiding your proxy address from your network service provider. They are also these other ones that are just free web browsers which you can configure just the same way you configure your mobile phone default browser. E. g. is opera browser. The problem with these ones is that they seem to be restricted to only the sites the mobile phone default browser can access.
So the proxy tunnelers are the better ones but the best among them are those ones that not only hide your proxy address but programmed in such a way that they have foreign servers located in foreign countries and are capable of distributing internet connection to any application installed in the computer that requires it internet connection. E. g. Web browsers and chat/messengers. Since these software have been designed to browse the internet free of charge any where in the world, we get them and configure them in such a way that they will allow us access in our computers free of charge.
I will be given you new and excellent software that is very much reliable, fast and supports file download of any size. With it, you can discover how fun it is to browse the internet free of charge with much ease and at incredible speed. Use your yahoo messengers, msn messengers with a click.
1) A GPRS enabled mobile phone that has either a Bluetooth connectivity or USB cable connectivity.
2) ZAIN or MTN simcard
3) PC suite of your phone.
4) The new free internet software and its settings.
Step 1:
Insert the simcard of either mtn or zain networks into your phone. Transfer any credit inside it out. Then make sure that the sim card is GPRS activated. MTN subscribers have nothing to do with this but for ZAIN subscribers go to hxxp: dmc. ng. zain. com and activate your GPRS instantly.
Step 2:
Install the PC suite for your phone for your computer. If you don’t have it, you can download it from your phones manufacturer’s website. For example, nokia users can download the latest version of nokia pc suite from hxxp: nokia. com. Then configure the pc suit as follows
Access point: ---------- web. gprs. mtnnigeria. net for MTN or wap. ng. zain. com for
Username: ------------ web for MTN or wap for ZAIN.
Password: ------------- web for MTN or wap for ZAIN.
Step 3:
Connect your phone to the computer either through a USB cable or Bluetooth with the aid of the pc suite. Just allow the pc suite to recognize your phone and click on connect to internet. If not connected, don’t worry, I’m gonna provide you an e-manual with the detailed step by step method with screen shots.
Step 4:
Install the free internet software (I will provide you the software and the settings). After the installation, configure it with the settings following the instructions from the e-manual that carries both the settings and the guide with screen shots for proper guidance.
When you have completed these simple steps, just begin to surf the net with ease and at great speed. Your messengers all bubbling. It’s all fun!!! This works absolutely fine for both MTN and ZAIN networks.
Are you interested in getting this new software and its settings plus bonus of an e-book on how to make international calls free of charge, then contact me on 08074238125 or email mathewola2000@yahoo. com
You can simply pay the sum of N2,000 if you want the software and its settings for MTN or N2,500 if you want the software and its settings for ZAIN into the following account. This price is for the first 20 people. After them, the price will increase to N4,500 and N5,000 respectively. So rush now and place your order. Call or email now!!!
Account number: ------------04300680024362
Account name: ---------------Oladipo Timothy T.
Bank: ---------------------------Bank UBA
When you pay, text your teller number, your name, amount paid, the service you paid for and your email address to 08074238125. After confirmation with the bank alert, I will send you the you software, its settings and the e-manual plus a bonus of an e-book on how to make free international calls. These I will send you in few minutes after your payment through your email as attachment. You will now download the attached files from the mail and begin to enjoy yourself.
CALL 08074238125 FOR UR SERVICE.
Hurry now and make the best of allllllllllllll