July 7, 2009

Latest Zain Configuration Settings

Go to start
then to settings and choose connections
then select connections again>
add new connection under tasks

enter name of connection(call it what u like)
under select a modem, drop down and choose cellular line (gprs)> next
under access point name
1. if u ar provisioned for wap. type wap.ng.celtel.com (if u were provisioned b4 the name change) or wap.ng.zain.com (if after)
2. if u ar provisioned for internet, type internet.ng.celtel (or .zain).com > next

username wap (or intenet)
password wap (or internet) >advanced

select use specific IP address and type if provisioned for wap> finish

u will be taken to the modem tab. choose proxy settings>

select this network connects to the internet and this network uses a proxy then put (for wap)

then to advance> double click wap and input as server and allow 9201 as port or use 8080 all the same

that should get u running note that if u are prepaid, u are likely to have been given wap access. if u are postpaid then u will have full internet access.

Hope this helps